

Collaboration of MARGARET HOWELL and New Balance 420 is about to launch. With unexpected impact and buzz created in worldwide fashion industries, this collaboration model will be sold out within a second and disappear from the scene. Customers might argue with what we are about to do, but we had an interest in story of this collaboration project hidden behind the scene, so we have made a decision to interview two key persons from each brands. Two key persons are Mr. Kenichi Ikeda, a director of MARGARET HOWELL design section and Mr. Shugo Moritani from New Balance lifestyle studio.


―First of all, could you please tell us how did this collaboration project has started?

池田賢一(以下池田/敬称略): 5年くらい前になるのですが、マーガレット・ハウエルのロンドンのデザインチームとニューバランスUKのチームとで「何かモノ作りをしませんか」的な話が持ち上がったんです。


Mr. Ikeda: It was 5 years ago when our design team in London and New Balance U.K. team started to communicate about making collaboration shoes together.

We were excited and waited for update information, but some issues had stopped this project suffered a setback.



―It is very interesting to hear that this project might have started 5 years ago.

池田: 今までマーガレット・ハウエルは、トリッカーズであったり、イタリア製のシューズであったり、今でこそオールデンもありますが、レザーシューズ一辺倒だったのですが、5年前にロンドンのデザインチームがニューバランスと一緒にランニングシューズを手掛けるという話は、大いに興味を持ちましたね。

残念ながら頓挫してしまいましたが、日本のマーガレット・ハウエルはニューバランス ジャパンと縁があったために「イギリスでは実現しませんでしたが、日本同志でなら出来るのではないか」と、話をし始めたのがスタートです。

Mr. Ikeda: Up to the present, Margaret Howell has done collaboration with leather shoes brand such asTrickers, Italian leather shoes and Alden but never experienced sneaker, so we were excited when we heard of making running shoes with New Balance from our London team.

It was unfortunate that this project was frustrated, but we still had interest in making collaboration model with New Balance and lucky enough that we had connection with New Balance Japan, so we ended up making an approach for starting new project in Japan.


―It sounds like you made your team's dream come true in Japan.

モリタニシュウゴ(以下モリタニ/敬称略): もともとマーガレット・ハウエルさんはニューバランスというブランドの存在をご存知だったんですか?

Mr. Moritani: Did Mrs. Margaret Howell know about New Balance?


池田: もちろんです。ただイギリスでは日本やアメリカ程にはニューバランスを目にする機会が少ないので詳しくはなかったと思います。しかし、我々を含め、日本のメディアやジャーナリスト、バイヤーなど、ファッションウィークにイギリスを訪れる日本人の多くが「N」というマークの付いたスニーカーを履いていたので、気にはなっていたと思います。

Mr. Ikeda: Of course! However, not like Japan or United States, New Balance is still not major shoe brand in England that she did not know detail about it. She knew and had curious about the brand since many Japanese media, journalists, and buyers who participated in fashion week held in England were wearing shoes that have "N" logo on the side.


―The collaboration idea started 5 years ago in London. How about in Japan?

モリタニ: 2年くらい前です。私が前職からニューバランスに転職して来た時期なので。

Mr. IMoritani: It was 2 years ago when I moved from previous job to New Balance Japan.


―Could you explain about the process of this collaboration project?

池田: 「別注のシューズを作るだけで終了ではなく、お互いにとって良い結果を得られたら良いですね」という話合いもありまして、既存のモデルの配色だけを替えるような別注ではなく、作り上げたシューズに合わせたスタイリングをマーガレット・ハウエルで展開するところまで広げていきたいな、と。

Mr. Ikeda: We had a theme of not making product that ends its job after sold out. We agreed to make something that create eternal relationship between two brands that not only making collaboration shoes, we extended to make total coordinate outfits for both men and women that match with our collaboration model.


―So you have made it?

池田: はい。マーガレット・ハウエルのショップに、別注したスニーカーとそれに合う自分たちのスタイリングが提案できたら面白いなって。

Mr. Ikeda: Yes, we thought it would be interesting to propose everything from New Balance collaboration shoes to Margaret Howell clothes that designed inspired by the shoes.

モリタニ: 私もニューバランスでは「スタジオ」という部署に所属するのですが、ただ単にカラーを変えるというよりは、もっと先にあるコラボレーションを実現させることが社としても理想だったので、とても興味が湧きました。

Mr. Moritani: Similar to Mr. Ikeda, I involve in core design part of New Balance called "Studio" and my goal for this project was not to finish with only color modified collaboration, but something that connects to future so I was excited when I first heard about this project.



―Could you please tell us the reason of choosing "420" out from all other traditional models?

池田: まず包み隠さず言うと、僕が「420」が好きだからです。





Mr. Ikeda: To be honest with you, the reason why is because I like the silhouette of "420."

Also the position of "420" has similar aspect with our brand. Margaret Howell tend not to follow trend nor innovative and high technology material, but more focus on rough and handmade, heartwarming cloth making.

Therefore, the attractiveness of Margaret Howell apparel is not mechanical. It bring out every person'spersonal charm by wearing it. For instance, if 10 different people try our tweed jacket and linen shirt, you will see 10 different ways of wearing and 10 different look that they express.

From that perspective, the classic model "420" has similar image as our product. It has been out for overyears and many other high spec products have been brought to life after "420" but still loved and took care with keeping its authenticity and historical background. Somehow rough and very heartwarming model is what I love about this model and that is the reason why I wanted to bring this model back to life with a taste of Margaret Howell.

The design inspiration for collaboration model, for example, came from the process of making our tweed jacket and linen shirt. We kept the historical and original aspect of the product and choose color that express both classic and new.



―How was the reaction of New Balance Japan side when you choose "420" as a collaboration model?

池田: どんびきでした?(笑)

Mr. Ikeda: Did it blow your mind?

モリタニ: どんびきが正しいかは分かりませんが...、正直かなり意外でした。ニューバランスと言えば「576」や「996」、もしくは1000番台がメインで、別注の話もその辺りのモデルが多かったですし。そんな中、「420」で大丈夫? っていう不安と、このモデルに着目して頂いた嬉しさが複雑に交錯していましたね。

Mr. Moritani: I do not have exact word to explain, but I was very surprised with the idea. Currently, most of designers would choose "576" or "996" or "1000 series" for New Balance collaboration model, so I had a half feeling of worry and a half feeling of happiness of choosing "420"as a model.


―Were there any other models for selection?

池田: ないですね。

Mr. Ikeda: Nope.

モリタニ: もともと「420」や、「620」「410」はMADE IN ENGLANDだったので、そういった背景もありますよね。

Mr. Moritani: I thought one of reason why choosing this model is because slim silhouette like "420" "620" and "410"were mainly made in England factory that it matched with Margaret Howell brand image.

池田: あとは、「スニーカー=カジュアル」ではなくて、テーラリングの足元に合わせるスニーカーを作るということが目的でしたので、自分たちのテーラリングに合うソールの高さだったり、ラストのシェイプやノーズのシルエットだったり、そういう視点で選んでいますね。

Mr. Ikeda: Speaking of slim silhouette, we also had an image of making shoes that match with tailoring that instead of thinking casual sneaker, we were looking for sharp nose and slim silhouette with ideal heel height, which is"420."



―So, after choosing the model, did you propose it to Margaret Howell design team in London?

池田: もう少し進めて、いくつかのプロトタイプ サンプルを作成してから、マーガレット・ハウエルに持っていきました。いろいろなコミュニケーションを経て、このカラーリングに決定しました。

Mr. Ikeda: We have created several prototypes before showing Mrs. Margaret Howell. From there we have made good communication and discussion to come out with this color.


―Which means you designed the outfits after fixing the shoes model and color?

池田: ほぼ同時でした。作り上げようとしている配色は、最初からイメージの中にありまして。ニューバランスが1976年に展開した広告「Pa Blance」と「Ma Blance」というのが、今のマーガレット・ハウエルにもマッチして、表現しやすい内容だな、と思ったんです。この男性・女性、この足元、気負ってないけれどお洒落な雰囲気ですし。

Mr. Ikeda: I think we have moved the project at the same timeline. We already had image of color combination we wanted to express beforehand, which was inspired from New Balance advertisement created in 1976 with a name of "Pa Balance" and "Ma Balance." It perfectly matched with the brand image of Margaret Howell that we wanted to express similar image inspired from them.



―Including myself, I hear many people love that advertisement.

池田: 「このイメージからだったら、自分たちの洋服も作れるな」っていうのが瞬間的に閃きましたね。マーガレット・ハウエルはチャコールグレーやグレー、ネイビーというカラーを毎シーズン、素材などを替えながらもキーカラーとして展開していますし、ニューバランスもグレーがハウスカラーなので、トーンなどの調整はしつつも、このカラーリングに落ち着きました。

Mr.. Ikeda: We had an instant spark of design idea when we saw the advertisement and since we use charcoal gray, gray, and navy as key color for every season, it was necessary to choose gray and navy color for our model.


―This "420" is made by perfect balance of color combination. Were there any suffer or trouble while making samples?

モリタニ: 最終に辿り着くまでに、1〜2回サンプルを修正しました。配色は決まったのですが、トーンの調整は3回も4回も直して、結構悩みました。

Mr. Moritani: Before we confirmed the final design pattern, we have modified few times. We especially had a difficult time with adjusting tone.



―Any other episodes in process of making this collaboration model?

モリタニ: バンプの部分の柔らかさにこだわられていて、そこの調節は大変でした。もともとオリジナルのMADE IN ENGLANDの「420」は、バンプにライニングを入れていないので柔らかいんですが、「それを表現したい」とおっしゃって。ただ、現状のアジア製の「420」で、それを再現してキレイに仕上げ、強度も保証するのはとても難しい。そこで工場とは何度も何度もやりとりをしました。

Mr. Moritani: We also had a difficult time to materialize the softness of shoe bump. The original made in U.K. "420" did not carry support lining on a shoe bump that it feels very soft when you touch it. To tell the truth, it was very difficult to make same softness and clear the strength test needed to be approved for delivering to life. We made a contact with factory multiple of times only for one reason.



―So, how did you do? Did you end up duplicating the same tone?

モリタニ: かなり近いところまで再現できていると思います。


Mr. Moritani: I think we have made the shoes very close to the original.

One more request from Margaret Howell was the fitting. Not like other "420," this collaboration model is using cushioning insert featuring New Balance"ABZORB" technology. I was surprised and happy to hear that Margaret Howell is taking care of customer's satisfaction in fitting.


―Do you think comfortable fitting is important even if the price go up?

池田: そうですね。あとはオリジナルはシューレースがアクリルなんですが、今回の別注ではコットンの平紐にアレンジして、ちょっとしたマイナーチェンジも加えています。

Mr. Ikeda: I think it is very important. Also we made a minor change in shoelace. The original "420" use acryl material, but our model use cotton material.


池田: それから、付属するシューズバッグに通す紐もシューレースと同じモノにしていますね。

Mr. Ikeda: One last thing to remind is that the lace used in original shoes bag is also using the same shoelace used in "420."


―相当こだわってらっしゃいますね。あとは、イギリスのブランドですから、MADE IN ENGLANDで作りたいという想いもあると思うんですが、実際はアジアで生産してみて仕上がり具合などはいかがですか?

―Impressive! I know for sure that you wanted to make this collaboration in England factory to express full brand image of Margaret Howell. Could you please let us know what you think of this model?

池田: 仕上がりに関しては納得しています。もちろんMADE IN ENGLAND、イギリスの工場で生産したかったんですが、初の試みの中でここまで完成度高く着地できたのは満足しています。

Mr. Ikeda: We are satisfied with what we made. Of course, we wanted to make this model at England factory if there were any chance, but I think we have done well for the first collaboration model.


―Could you tell us about how to coordinate this model?

池田: スーツではないですが、自分たちが得意とするテーラリングを軸にしています。そこに核となるコート、それからレイヤリングしていく上で、ニットだったらナチュラルなシェットランドのセーターと、見えにくいですがこのスニーカーのカラーリングを使用したオリジナルチェックのシャツも作っています。

Mr. Ikeda: We will use tailoring as I mentioned before for basic and pick up coat to express fall and winter season. From these basic, we picked natural knit sweater for layering and coordinate with check shirt that we made to match with "420."



スニーカー ¥14,000 [税抜き]


コート ¥76,000、ニット ¥30,000、シャツ ¥28,000 [税抜き]


トラウザーズ ¥33,000 [税抜き]

モリタニ: ニューバランスとしても、この「420」に、どういったスタイリングをして頂けるのかに期待をしていましたので、この組み合わせは嬉しいですね。

Mr. Moritani: We had high expectation in how to coordinate with New Balance "420," so this styling is over our capacity. Very well made!


―This is going to be our last question. Could you please tell us future relationship of Margaret Howell and New Balance?

池田: もしチャンスがあるなら、また別注したいですね。まだ発売前ですが、ありがたいことに評判が良くて、店頭に並べられない状況になりそうでして。なので次は、この経験を踏まえた上で、マーガレット・ハウエルのセールストークを持ってスタイリングとスニーカーを販売していけるようなシューズを別注したいですね。

Mr. Ikeda: If there were any chance, we would like to make another collaboration model. The "420" is still not released yet, but we are very short in quantity that for our next project, we would like to make collaboration model that story tell our brand image and release ordinary to the market with our apparel line.


―Sad to hear that all the effort of making total coordination will not be performed 100% since most of the stores will be out of collaboration "420."

池田: そうなんです。あとは、ニューバランスのUKファクトリーに、マーガレット・ハウエル本人・ロンドンのデザインチームも足を運んで、一緒に作り上げたいですね。

Mr. Ikeda: You are correct. Also, one big dream is to go New Balance Flimby factory with Margaret Howell and our design team to come up with new project.


―イギリス製での別注が出来たら素晴らしいですね! ニューバランス的には、いかがですか?

―If made in U.K. collaboration project become to life, it would be fantastic! Do you think there is possibility?

モリタニ: シューズはもちろん、スタイリングも併せて見せるという一歩進んだコラボレーションを実現できたので、この想いがお客様に伝われば、今後MADE IN ENGLANDのモデルを制作するというのもありえると思います。

Mr. Moritani: The collaboration project we have done is one big innovation to change the meaning of collaboration. We now have option of making outfit that matches with collaboration shoes. So if there were many customers who are willing us to make it, I think made in U.K. is possible.

―それは是非実現させて頂きたいです。必ずイギリスまで取材に行きますので! 今回はありがとうございました。

―That would be outstanding! We will definitely go England for an interview if it becomes in reality. Thank you both for your time today.


Unfortunate to say that because of articles in great demand, coming collaboration will be very short in stock and might be difficult to buy at store, but now we know the strong relationship of Margaret Howell and New Balance that let's wait for future collaboration model with extremely high expectation!


Photo_Yozo Yoshino
Edit_Ryutaro Yanaka
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