25th Anniversary M996. MRL996 Special Edition by JOURNAL STANDARD.

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Collaboration model of MRL996 produced by four different selected shops will be launched in August 10th.

それぞれのショップがどんな思いを込めて別注を手掛けたのか? まずは、JOURNAL STANDARDのバイヤーである田村氏に訊いていきます。

This issue will be featuring Mr. Tamura, a buyer from JOURNAL STANDARD. What was on his mind when he produced MRL996?


-Could you please tell us the concept and look and feel of this collaboration model?

田村 禪(以下田村/敬称略): 元々のコンセプトは、お客様が欲しいと思うモノでした。ですから、最近のJOURNAL STANDARDのイメージカラーというか、強みのあるカラーであるネービーを選びましたね。時代的な空気を含めて、ウェアや小物でもネービーは人気の色ですし、それかニューバランスらしいグレーを選びたかったのですが、インラインとの兼ね合いもあったため...。

Yuzuru Tamura [JOURNAL STANDARD BUYER]: First of all, we wanted to make model that will be wanted by our customer, so we used our recent color trend for look and feel, which was navy. Navy is one of popular color that we use for apparel and other goods so we are okay with what we made, but to tell the truth, we were thinking of using either gray or navy, but gray was already used as inline color way, so ended up picking navy.

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-If you were able to select gray as basic color, would you pick it?

田村: そうですね。ニューバランスはやはりグレーが1番評判も良いですし。なので、ディテールとして見えないアウトソールの部分にグレーを採用させて頂きました。

Tamura: Yes. Needless to say but, our customer is looking for gray shoes from new balance, which is the reason why we used gray on outsole to answer customer's needs.
Also, we tried to challenge white based upper to match with summer season, but we ended up giving up because of business reason.

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-Could you tell us the detail and featuring point of this collaboration model?

田村: 最初のサンプルはスウェードで上げて頂き、価格的には売れる範囲に納まったんですが、想定していたコーディネイトに対してとか、ファッション的なアプローチ具合が弱い気がして、高級感のあるヌバックに変更しました。

Tamura: First of all, we ordered sample with suede and mesh in order to reach our ideal price point, but it did not match with what we expected, so we changed from suede to nubuck leather.


-I can tell the difference. Much more rich and elegant.

田村: JOURNAL STANDARDで人気のある紺×茶のコンビでも試したんですが、かなり鈍臭くなってしまったので、主流になってきているジャケットスタイルにもマッチするようワントーンのネービーにアレンジしました。

Tamura: We tried our popular color combination of navy and brown, but it did not match well so we ended up using one toned color to match with jacket style as well.



-How about N logo and other details? Any particular point you suffered?

田村: サンプル作成時に表革やリフレクターなど、いろいろと試させて頂いて、ギラギラしないようマットなワントーンで大人っぽい雰囲気にまとめて、後部サイドのnew balanceロゴとインソールにだけポイントで赤を効かせました。

Tamura: For N logo, we tried various pattern when we were making samples; from smooth leather to reflector, but we wanted to make this model a shoe that match with jacket style, so ended up selecting matted one toned material for N logo. Therefore, only parts we used red as pick up color were "new balance" logo on the side and insert.

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-Very authentic, I think.

田村: はい。JOURNAL STANDARDではウィメンズでも展開するので、女性でも抵抗なく履けるようなイメージにまとめましたね。

Tamura: Yes. We wanted to make this model simple and authentic since it will be launched as unisex model.


-I can imagine girls wearing them.

田村: そうですね。男性、女性どちらが履いても大丈夫なイメージにしています。

Tamura: Thank you. It was our goal to create shoes that matches in unisex.

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-Now, we would like to hear your personal image about new balance and M996.

田村: 履き心地は当然ですが、スーツでもカジュアルでも履ける汎用性の高さが魅力ですよね。他のスニーカーブランドだと派手なモデルをハズしで取り入れたりしますが、ニューバランスは正統かつキレイに合わせられるので、取り入れ易いですね。
個人的にはMade in U.S.AのM996が好きで、グレーをよく履いています。あと最近は復刻したM990のグレーも履いていますが、やっぱりモデルとしてはM996が1番好きですね。

Tamura: Attracting point of M996 is fitting and its silhouette that matches from casual style to formal jacket style. I wear other sneaker brand to play with fashion, like creating gap between tops and bottoms, but new balance has clean image that matches well with our apparel.
Personally, I love made in U.S.A. M996 and I wear gray often. I also wear reproduced original M990, but M996 is what I like the most.


-How about 1000 series?

田村: 僕もですが、JOURNAL STANDARDのお客様的にもオーセンティックなモデルが人気で、M993とかM1500は動きが鈍いんです。

Tamura: Our customer, including myself, are looking for new balance authentic running style that high technology looking product such as MR993 and M1500 are not popular as M996.

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-Guessing that classic model matches better with JOURNAL STANDARD product lineup. How about price point of MRL996? Does it matches with your customer?

田村: スウェードからヌバックにアレンジしても、¥15,540なので問題ありませんね。JOURNAL STANDARDのお客様はMade in U.S.Aだからとか、Made in ENGLANDだから売れているという雰囲気を感じなく、ニューバランスとしてまんべんなく売れているので、今回は単純に手に取り易い価格なので、広い層の方に興味を持って貰えるかと思っています。

Tamura: Even we arrange from suede to nubuck leather, we fixed price with 15,540 JPY so there is no problem. Also, it seems like most of our customer is not looking for made in U.S.A. nor made in U.K. but simply looking for new balance product that we think that our customer will pick this model because of its high cost performance.


-I agree. Customer who had resistance in buying new balance product might be able to reach this MRL996.

田村: スニーカーで¥20,000を超えてくると余程好きでないと買えませんが、¥15,000くらいなら試しても良いかなと思って貰えて、購買層が増えたら嬉しいですね。

Tamura: Spending 20,000JPY in a pair of sneaker is tough for new comer, but we think 15,000JPY is reasonable price to try new balance. We wish many customers to check this product and wear them.

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Yuzuru Tamura
田村 禪

ジャーナル スタンダード バイヤー


new balance × JOURNAL STANDARD MRL996 ¥15,540 [23.5-28.29cm]

ジャーナル スタンダード 渋谷店

Yozo Yoshino[item]
Edit_Ryutaro Yanaka

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