25th Anniversary M996. MRL996 Special Edition by BEAUTY&YOUTH UNITED ARROWS.


Collaboration model of MRL996 produced by four different selected shops will be launched in August 10th.

それぞれのショップがどんな思いを込めて別注を手掛けたのか? 続いては、BEAUTY&YOUTH UNITED ARROWSのバイヤーである青谷氏に訊いていきます。

This issue will be featuring Mr. Aotani, a buyer from BEAUTY & YOUTH UNITED ARROWS. What was on his mind when he produced MRL996?


-First of all, could you tell us how many collaboration models have you participate in the past?

青谷克也(以下青谷/敬称略): 僕が手掛けてで、5回目。BEAUTY&YOUTHとしては8〜9回くらいですね。今までは1年に1回ペースで実施していたのですが、今回はM996の25周年ということで、2回実施できたのは嬉しかったですね。

Aotani [BEAUTY&YOUTH UNITED ARROWS MENS BUYER]: I think this project was our 8th or 9th collaboration model with new balance and I was involved in 5 different collaboration project including this one. Collaboration project is usually once a year project, but we are lucky enough to make two models this year.


-Then, could you please tell us the process of making this model?


青谷: 今回の企画はフイナムが先導するというお話で、僕の記憶では最初にBEAMSから商談が始まって「BEAMSは黒で行く」という噂をチラッと聞きまして。となると、「黒はないな」と。

Aotani: When we start this project, we heard someone talking "BEAMS might use black as main color," so we deleted black from our color selection.
Also, BEAUTY & YOUTH have done many collaboration projects using gray and navy that we wanted to challenge some colors we have never tried before, such as beige. That is the reason why we ordered mature and rich nubuck leather with blue color used in new balance shoe box for our first sample.



-Interesting that blue color is inspired from new balance shoe box. You have also made one sample without blue, is this correct?

青谷: ベージュの濃淡で2色。それでブルーを挿し色に使ったものと、M996のオリジナルのカラーリングを採用したパターンですね。

Aotani: We have made light beige and dark beige, one with blue color and other inspired from original M996.



-How did you feel about sample when you first check them?

青谷: インラインっぽいなと。それと、ヌバックで上品な雰囲気になるかなと思ったら、意外にパッとしなくて。それだったら、秋口のリリースだからブーツっぽいイメージで、ニューバランスでもあまり見かけない金茶のスウェードへと思い切って変更しました。

Aotani: My first impression was "acceptable, but not enough impact." I though nubuck leather will express more mature and rich taste, but it didn't come out as what I imagined. So, I changed my idea to use gold-brown suede leather to create boots imaged sneaker.



-So you have challenged a big change from 1st sample.

青谷: はい。でも基本的なトーンは変えず、ベージュベースは残しながら、メッシュ部分をスウェードのパンチングに変更して少し重厚感を出していきました。

Aotani: Yes, we did. However, we didn't change the original idea of beige based color, but we added some thickness by changing mesh material to punching leather.


-How about price range? Did you have any requested price point?

青谷: 今までの別注は¥15,000〜17,000くらいだったので、そのくらいで納めようと。

Aotani: Our past collaboration model was range from 15,000JPY to 17,000JPY, so we tried to keep that price point.



-By the way, did you plan this product to match with BEAUTY & YOUTH 2013 fall and winter collection?

青谷: 今回は正直ほとんどありませんでしたね。スタイリングのイメージは描かずに、どんな方がピックアップしても履きこなせるようなスニーカーにしています。

Aotani: To tell the truth, the basic idea of this product came from vintage denim jeans worn by one of our product planning team and we didn't think about season trend color at all. We tried to design a product that matches everyone, but it doesn't mean that we followed trend.


-From our point of view, we can see that this product is a mixture of authenticity and new.

青谷: M996って分かるモデルに仕上げたいなって。なので、アッパーだけアレンジして、"N"の下のリフレクターとか、シューレース、ロゴなんかはオリジナルを踏襲しています。基本的に、BEAUTY&YOUTHで別注する際は、きちんとオリジナルを尊重しながら、BEAUTY&YOUTHらしさを加えるっていうのが、考えの根本にありますね。誰かから言われた訳ではないんですが。

Aotani: We wanted to create a product seen as M996, therefore, we followed design of M996 especially in detail part, such as reflector under N logo, shoelace, etc. When we make collaboration model, we basically follow the original and added some BEAUTY & YOUTH spice.



-Maybe, that is the reason why there are high quality collaboration models close to originals.
Last question, how did you feel when you see the final sample?

青谷: 良かったですよ。かなり色めも気に入っています。ちょっとオレンジっぽく見えるのもいい感じです。

Aotani: Overall it is good. I like the way it looks a bit orange.


-Three out of four collaboration models are using dark tone color, so we are happy to see this gold-brown color MRL996.

Katsuya Aotani

ビューティ&ユース ユナイテッドアローズ メンズバイヤー


new balance × BEAUTY & YOUTH MRL996 ¥17,640 [25-28.29cm]

ビューティ&ユース ユナイテッドアローズ 原宿メンズストア

Yozo Yoshino[item]
Edit_Ryutaro Yanaka

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