25th Anniversary M996. Go to NB Factory at Skowhegan. Vol.1



Here we are now in Boston, known as where new balance brand was born. To interview particularly about new balance, houyhnhnm team visited Skowhegan Factory which is one of new balance factory in United States established in 1981.

現在もMADE IN USAのモデルを生産する6つの工場の中でもトップレベルの技術を有する、こちらの工場。M990の後継として1988年に登場したM996も、ここから世に送り出されたということで、潜入取材を決行です。

Skowhegan Factory is one of six factory making made in U.S.A. products with top level technology and craftsmanship. We have received interesting information that M996 is also produced and send out to world from this factory. So we are here now.



Sneaking in Skowhegan Factory, we have found materials and tools to cut parts of made in U.S.A. product stocked in basement. This place is where everything begins.



Walking through the factory, we have found a display of shoe tongue which symbolize made in U.S.A. product. According to factory staff, this sample of shoe tongues is used as a reference of color combination.


In next issue, we will sneak into where made in U.S.A. is actually made.

Photo_Koji sato(TRON)
Edit_Ryutaro Yanaka
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